ADNET Sponsors Two Student Scholarships at the Virginia Space Flight Academy

wiringADNET Systems Inc., sponsored two scholarships for the 2013 summer program at the Virginia Space Flight Academy at Wallops Island, Virginia. Students attending the week-long camp gain an understanding of the diverse career options in the aerospace industry through a wide range of hands-on activities promoting science and technology. Staying in a dormitory environment, Academy attendees have access to nearby NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility (WFF), which includes a trip to the WFF Range Control Center where students experience a simulated rocket launch. Beyond access to NASA’s premier regional launch facility, campers collaborate on two major projects in the areas of rocketry and robotics. Working in small teams, they build and launch several types of model rockets and program small robots using Lego© Mindstorms© NXT systems. Campers eat most meals at the WFF Cafeteria, gaining further exposure to scientists, engineers and members of the military. Established in 1998, the Academy resides on the campus of the Marine Science Consortium, near the WFF main gate.

sfaLetterADNET Systems Inc. is an award-winning contractor supporting the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Department of Transportation (DOT), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and other agencies. Founded in 1991, ADNET has earned numerous high profile awards and accolades, including two consecutive selections as NASA Goddard Small Business Contractor of the Year – the only small company ever to receive this award two years in a row. ADNET also was Goddard’s 2009 and 2011 nominee for NASA’s prestigious George M. Low Award, the top quality and performance award for NASA prime and subcontractors.


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